Donate Today
Donations can be mailed to our office:
Carobell, Inc.
198 Cinnamon Drive
Jacksonville, NC 28539
Or, submitted through Carobell’s PayPal account:
Carobell is a 501(c)(3) Not-For-Profit organization. Your donations are tax deductable.
Thank You for Supporting Carobell’s Mission!
Did You Know?
- that Carobell is funded primarily through Medicaid and that the State of North Carolina is in budget crisis and our Medicaid funding is in jeopardy?
- that a shower chair made of PVC pipe cost just under $800, and today’s cost for a wheelchair is between $8,000 and $10,000?
- that three-fourths of Carobell’s annual budget goes back into the community through wages and benefits?
- that Carobell’s administrative and general costs account for only $0.13 of every dollar?
- that Carobell continues year after year to receive the highest marks regarding parent/guardian confidence and satisfaction?
- that Carobell’s Direct Supervisors have a total of over 195 combined years of experience and dedication working in the human services field?
- that our staff-to-consumer ratio is well above the norm?
- that Carobell employs 120 staff providing services to 111 families in Onslow and Carteret counties?
- that Carobell was awarded national accreditation by CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities)?
- that on a daily basis, Carobell empowers individuals who have limited control of their arms and legs to feed themselves, to operate sewing machines and wheelchairs, to earn paychecks, and to conduct daily tasks that it was believed they would never be able to do?
- that Carobell is a private, non-profit 501(C) corporation and that Carobell has an endowment administered by the NC Community Foundation?